Be Well and Do Good:  The Many Benefits of Giving Back

Co-chairing the ANY Gala in 2019

Co-chairing the ANY Gala in 2019

It’s #givingtuesday, and with so many in need as we navigate this global crisis, I thought it would be an excellent opportunity to talk about the many positive impacts of giving back, and how we can benefit from serving others as we move into midlife and start to reimagine our next chapters.

For many of us, we are approaching or entering the empty-nest phase of our lives, and find that not only do we have a bit more time on our hands, but that our purpose (once largely centered around raising kids) is changing.  It is a time of major transition, and while we may feel great pride and accomplishment as we watch our kids fly using the wings we so painstakingly helped them grow, it can also be a time of great anxiety as we face some very existential questions.  How we manage this time and address these issues can seriously affect our well-being. 

Even when one has strong relationships, a thriving career and/or a myriad of interests and hobbies, midlife can still be a disorienting time with all of the changes going on in and around us.  Finding a renewed sense of purpose can bring new meaning, continued learning and an overall sense of well-being.  And when that purpose involves committing to serving others, we find new ways to share our gifts and talents, which can enhance our sense of self-worth.   Studies indicate that more purposeful adults have better cognitive function and greater longevity.  Having a sense of purpose has also been shown to lower levels of stress and anxiety in adults.  Helping others while helping ourselves seems like the ultimate win-win!

I can personally attest to the power of committing to a cause that is meaningful to me and does tremendous work for young people.  While I have always tried to contribute to important causes, I did it where I could find time and in a scattershot way.  But a couple of years ago, I was introduced by my step-son to an organization called America Needs You (ANY), a nonprofit that fights for economic mobility for first- generation college students.  They do this by providing transformative mentorship and intensive career development to a demographic that is 85% low-income and graduates at a rate of only 11% without intervention.  As a first-generation college student myself, the mission of ANY resonated with me in a very real way, and I joined the governing board.  To say the work with ANY has been rewarding would be a tremendous understatement; seeing the trajectory of a young life change before your very eyes is, well, life-changing.  Last October I had the great honor of co-chairing (along with my husband) ANY’s annual benefit at the Plaza Hotel in NYC, where we raised close to $1.2 million in critical funds for the organization.  Being a part of this work has helped me to find renewed purpose, and there is something poetic about the idea that my step-son, once my primary purpose (along with his brother) was responsible for helping me to do so.  

There are so many incredible organizations out there that exist to serve the greater good.  And in times like these, there is a seemingly endless stream of need.  So if you find yourself entering this new chapter with a feeling that you are ready to shift gears, redefine, and repurpose, as it were, then consider partnering with a cause that moves you.  You can get involved through board service, volunteering, raising money or raising awareness, among other things.  And today, #givingtuesday, is a perfect time to start.  Ask friends who are involved, or hop online and do some research to find organizations that speak to you.  

I talk a lot on this blog and on Instagram about midlife being a beginning; an opportunity to rediscover and open up to new opportunities.  Having the opportunity to inspire and to be inspired is a gift, and a way to stay relevant and engaged in a way that not only helps others, but also feeds your mind, body and soul as well.  

You can learn more about ANY here if you would like to donate or get involved.  

Wishing all good health, peace and calm… xx